"The Red Squirrel Reading Road series supports older
primary school students to consolidate and master their
phonic knowledge through reading age-appropriate
engaging texts. The relatable fiction titles include
characters that will appeal to older students and the
non-fiction titles provide easily accessible information
about varied topics.
Reading Road can be used as an intervention series to
give students who may not believe that they can tackle
books written for their age group confidence in reading.
It is also appropriate for all students who would like to
reinforce their existing phonics knowledge with longer
books and a larger word count.
Each book includes teacher notes on the inside front
and back covers which focus on some of the sounds
and focus words in each book and provide suggested
discussion points for after reading. Teaching notes
and student worksheets to support each title are also
available as free downloads from the Raintree.co.uk
The books in Reading Road Level 1 feature simple
and complex code including consonants, consonant
digraphs, short vowels, vowel digraphs and trigraphs,
and r-controlled vowels. They are decodable by
students who have reached the end of Red Squirrel
Level 5 or Letters and Sounds Phase 3, and so can be
used to support students that have been taught using a
wide range of different SSP programmes."